so.. if i'm not wrong.. the IWSP stand for Intelligent Weapon Striker Pack which is the combination of Sword Striker, Launch Striker and Aile Striker.. not that intelligent actually.. why???
the back pack was too big.. maybe it can provide enough power to move fast with more thruster but the size just reduce the mobility.. and even the back pack size was big.. it just can't carry all weapon..
machine gun shield with boomerang.. i like this shield because of the machine gun.. but the boomerang.. the join is just very loose.. so i didn't put it on in all of the pics.. and the weight of this shield just too heavy..
as all the the Strike design.. the wrist with ball type joint always cause a lot of trouble when the kit attach with some heavy back pack like IWSP and Aile Striker.. it just can't turn nicely because of the back armor plate from the wrist.. and with IWSP machine gun shield.. the weight of that shield always pull the whole upper body down to left side due to the weak ball type joint wrist..
i've been having a lot of problem in terms of weight when posing this kit and i still have another Strike E with IWSP pack to go.. orgh!!!