This was the 3rd MG in my collection after my 1st MG Aile strike.. guess what.. when i saw this kit.. the price is RM 126( about 4200 yen).. same with 1/100 Astray gold frame amatsu.. but i didn't buy it.. then i forget the price of this kit and order it from other shop in Sungei Wang few weeks later.. 6th floor.. called Stardust something.. forgot about the name.. and it cause me RM 168( about 5500 yen) "feel like being cheated".. Damn!!! some more.. the owner for that shop was quite LCLY (lan si lan yong = bad behaviour and attitude) and still selling me at a very high price.. GOD DAMN HIM!!! his name called Wilson..
since i have assemble my MG Aile Strike.. made a lot of mistake.. especially on decal.. i become more careful for this kit.. but after i finish assemble this kit.. a year later.. still not satisfy and take out everything like the last picture for some correction before having these picture..
the articulation.. simple and quite easy to pose.. colour was quite nice.. especially the shield.. black and red.. better than the normal strike's shield.. the joint for the wings for aile striker.. quite loose.. but still better then my MG Aile strike which can be said.. totally spoil.. check it..