damn.. just come back from work.. work for 14 hour a day.. really exhausted.. but still quite enjoy since it just a event that don't need push sales.. solve my headache problem for that.. and the most important things.. lesser stress..
mm.. quite enjoy.. playing with a lot of Canon new launching product.. what it is??? .. lets go to the photo

ok.. this is me.. with the cover from some lousy lamp.. looks like doreamon " i forget how it spell" hand..

this is not the new one but the most expensive stuff here.. lens with the machine.. machine with the man.. and machine with man and hobby.. hehe.. "hobby means my hobby la".. you will know what my hobby through my blog.. ever imagine getting your 1/100 or 1/144 gundam with one shot from this big bad ass "EOS 1Ds Mk 3 with EF 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM ( sorry for the fault word but i'm still going to put it) and print it out in a.. mm.. maybe 10 feet by 10 feet picture??? it gonna be awesome if you know how to use the camera.. don't misunderstand.. this is not mine.. it just a demo unit from the event.. EOS 1Ds Mk 3 with EF 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM??? cost for about RM 37k man.. how i'm going to afford it.. it just a dream that will never come true for me to own it.. oh ya.. this big bad ass got 21 megapixel and full frame with dual DIGIC 3 processor and ISO burst up to 6400 with the noise level like ISO 1600 or maybe ISO 800 in your normal compact camera.. why you need ISO 25600 if the camera can't come up with low noise level picture??? the only answer is.. " Wai loh!!!" in chinese means feel cool to have that much of ISO.. my friend told me..

this is my colleague.. he is more pro than me.. even the way he holding it a lot better compare to me right.. that is the EF 400mm f/2.8L IS USM lens with EOS 1Ds Mk 3 if i'm not wrong.. and also the speedlight 580EX 2..

i think this just become my boss's dream.. since he own a EOS 5D and this is EOS 5D Mk 2.. and this is the new product which also have 21 megapixel with full frame but with one DIGIC 4 processor "the latest processor for canon" and also provide a ISO 6400 with very low noise level??? it gonna be fun.. i mean if my boss going to change his camera to this.. haha.. and guess what.. this EOS 5D Mk 2 can do video recording and in high definition with HDMI output.. and also face detection in it liveview function.. god.. what the fuking wrong with the professional camera industries.. do they have nothing to add more instead of moving some technologies from some camera to another camera.. when i heard about Nikon DSLR D90 have the video recording in it.. i was asking myself.. what for??? now people are going to ask me this question soon.. so.. i gotta answer like i'm selling the normal compact digital camera la..

ok.. this is something i'm more familiar with.. consider the semi-pro range in DSLR.. not bad.. this EOS 50D.. the replacement of its successor EOS 40D.. about 15 megapixel with also DIGIC processor but no video recording la.. still got face detection and... guess what.. it come together with the new kit lens package.. the EFS 18-200mm IS.. i'm not a publisher from any media.. so.. my critic may won't have border line.. EFS 18-200.. a good lens??? i don't think so.. it is only for some lazy or stupid DSLR user who concern about zoom or can't afford many lenses people (there are some more actually).. as for Canon.. i think it is a good product to prevent people buying third party or compatible lenses which almost the same range like Tamron and Sigma.. ut these type of lenses are quite convenient.. like i said.. don't need to change the lenses frequently for different purpose and also don't need to carry too much lenses since this lens may solve a lot of problem.. actually brands are doing the same thing..

a lot of people are waiting for this.. i think.. the Canon Powershot G 10.. a good camera which have most of the DSLR features.. but still the performance can't be match.. as for me.. i would say this is the product have no competitor in it's range.. because i can't find some thing similar to this range from other brand.. especially the quality of the pictures.. i mean the range but not this Powershot G 10 ar.. why.. i have not test this myself.. got no time for it.. small, slim and compact size camera??? oh come man and.. GURL!!! you want some great thing??? you want some beautiful pictures.. you need to sacrifice the beauty of the design of the camera.. what for if you have the most beautiful design of the camera and the worst picture provide by the beautiful design camera.. at last you will only face the photo but not the design of the camera.. PLEASE!!! don't be cheated by the LCD screen of the camera.. you want to know how good is the camera.. print some photo out from that camera.. or at least you check the photo from the camera in an 19 inch LCD..

most people favourite.. a camera with a lot of zoom.. and it called the Canon Powershot SX1 is and Powershot SX10 is.. may i ask something here.. do you really need a long optical zoom while you just capturing normal portrait photo or some landscape photo??? as for myself.. i think 3 to 4 times optical zoom will be more than enough for me.. and please.. if you are demanding for some high optical zoom camera.. don't think you want some thing that is slim.. why hold it by yourself at the maximum zoom.. the answer will be there.. if you don't have chance to hold it.. then ask yourself.. will it logic if a slim camera that provide high optical zoom but do not provide a perfect grip due to the design of the camera is too slim.. will provide you a steady picture??? my answer.. again.. i don't think so.. what about image stabilizer??? my answer will be more simple.. please go to get some information about image stabilizer.. especially the structure of it before you ask "what about image stabilizer".. anti-shake??? come on man.. if you know camera.. the word of "anti-shake" does not exist..

does this look cute??? some people said it look like a radio and some said it look like a rice-cooker.. actually it is a printer.. but even myself.. i laugh at the design as well.. but the design really help a lot.. will tell more about this at the next post..
Most picture will look quite blur due to i'm using camera from the handphone.. damn.. forgot to bring my own camera..