i should get this magazines (Hobby Japan) before i start paint this kit!!!!!.. damn.. by the time i got it.. i'm already half done on this MG astray and this magazine cover up complete painting scheme on MG Astray Blue Frame Second Revise and also modifying this kit to Astray Red Frame too

now i only left weapon not paint yet.. going to finish it soon..

the metallic color on the leg.. so.. how does it look like?.. i'm quite satisfy with it and not planning to make any panel line on it.. afraid on spoiling the paint..

the modification to MG Red Frame and also MG shin Musha..

alright.. i can learn more dyamic pose from here actually.. for different weapion.. gorgeous..

all the nozzle..um.. i mean those thruster from the tactical in flight form was painted with orange color.. i'm thinking of copying it..

like i said.. dynamic pose..

the MG red frame modified from MG astray blue frame and also NG 1/100 red frame..

the most significant different is the head unit.. especially the back side.. the backpack and the feet as well.. also.. the shoulders.. the gerbera was following the PG fromat..

i was wondering that will the MG Red Frame Kai that coming soon will release together with the beam rifle and also the shield.. astray's rifle is damn cool.. nicer that strike version..

always think to own some HGUC series.. still planning.. maybe will start with UC series..

the complete color scheme for BB Senshi Sangokuden Dom.. damn.. quite complicated.. but this is a nice kit to get too..

full armor O gundam.. feels a bit like the NT-1 the gundam Alex.. when is Bandai going to release it in MG version.. i bet it will have a tremendous articultion if it release in MG form..

an interesting page on the left side.. a DIY spray booth.. in simple way.. click on to the picture and enlarge it to check it out..

drawing on gundam with gundam marker??? look at the shield of the dynames.. too bad i don't know japanese..

collect them all???.. i'm still looking for the movie which is release on 12th Dec 2009.. anyone can help me? send me the link.. thx..

alright.. thats all for the magazine..
i'm planning on uploading some interesting coverage from all the magazines i bought now.. most were from Dengeki Hobby and some are from Hobby Japan.. but i need more time.. still got two more issue have not upload yet.. also from Dengeki and Hobby Japan.. i think it the September or October issue..