so.. this is the post for the arms unit and the shoulders unit..
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
MG Mk-2 A.E.U.G. ver.2 WIP 6
last post of the month.. April coming soon.. means?.. APRIL FOOL!!!.. haha.. one more hour to go..
so.. this is the post for the arms unit and the shoulders unit..

so.. this is the post for the arms unit and the shoulders unit..
Sunday, March 28, 2010
MG Mk-2 A.E.U.G. ver.2 WIP 4
Saturday, March 27, 2010
MG Mk-2 A.E.U.G. ver.2 WIP 2
ikke.. just start the pre-assembling process yesterday.. and got it post in here today.. i have forgot to mention my plan on this kit.. well.. i don't even have a proper plan yet.. my compressor starting to give some weird noisy sound.. mm.. hope it won't die until i can get a new compressor or else.. all my plan will just stuck.. so.. the plan for this kit..
- first start with the inner frame.. i may paint it to dark grey.. so i don't have to do panel line on it.. XD..
- then all the white color area.. not going to do weathering like what we saw from the manual because i don't know how to do weathering yet.. but will give a flat coat on it..
- next will be the black color or dark blue color area will give a direct black color.. haven't decide using gloss black or flat black yet..
-yellow and red color parts will remain the same color which i will not re-paint it..
-thruster will either go direct full gold color, or outer gold and inner red or outer dark grey and inner red..
- will do some minor detailing on the hydraulic pump and part of the inner frame will be painted in gold color..
- panel line
- foil stickers will be use
- will give a silver chrome to the mesh pipe to make it look like metal..
- markings and decal will be use ( in full maybe)
So that is the plan.. back to the topic of this post

- first start with the inner frame.. i may paint it to dark grey.. so i don't have to do panel line on it.. XD..
- then all the white color area.. not going to do weathering like what we saw from the manual because i don't know how to do weathering yet.. but will give a flat coat on it..
- next will be the black color or dark blue color area will give a direct black color.. haven't decide using gloss black or flat black yet..
-yellow and red color parts will remain the same color which i will not re-paint it..
-thruster will either go direct full gold color, or outer gold and inner red or outer dark grey and inner red..
- will do some minor detailing on the hydraulic pump and part of the inner frame will be painted in gold color..
- panel line
- foil stickers will be use
- will give a silver chrome to the mesh pipe to make it look like metal..
- markings and decal will be use ( in full maybe)
So that is the plan.. back to the topic of this post
Friday, March 26, 2010
New Blog template

Ya ta!!! i've been looking for this type of template long time ago.. blogger send me a mail that now i can design my blog easily with it is so easy to use and everything that i change will show instantly once i change anything.. so fun.. everyone is making their blog into ver.2.. guess i need to ch
ange too.. this time is a lot easier since last time when i try to change the template, my whole blog link gone.. those who using blogger should try it..
anyway.. what do you think on my new template?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
MG Mk-2 A.E.U.G. ver.2 WIP 1
it has been a while i haven't touch any MG.. since i need to build my HG collection.. already got three over here.. now i'm getting back to MG.. which my favorite grade.. i'm planning to own this kit long time ago where i want to collect some Zeta series gundam.. at first i was thinking to continue getting all the MS Zeta (like Zeta, Zeta plus A1 and C1, Double Zeta,, Full Armor Double Zeta, till the S and Ex-S) or just the MS in Zeta series(like Mk-2 both a.e.u.g. version and titan version, hyakushiki and also some zeon MS such as qubeley).. but then i found some combination.. why not getting the mini gundam team from ZZ gundam series which consist of ZZ gundam, Zeta gundam, Mk-2 gundam and Hyakushiki.. haha..
actually i'm not a fan of UC series especially Zeta gundam series but i just love the design of their MS.. Zeta gundam, Hyakushiki and of course.. Mk-2.. i do watch few episode of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam from TV and also internet.. too bad that i can't stand for the quality of old anime.. it took me so much patience of watching the Mobile Suit ZZ gundam until the last disc.. as we all know.. first few episodes normally not that excited and the action scene from gundam is not much.. but Mk-2 got lot of appearance from the first few episode.. especially the Titan version.. gosh.. i want to get the Titan version too.. and i stop watching the Mobile Suit Zeta gundam series after seeing Camile's father got killed in the Rick Dias.. So.. i know not much about the glory and the legend of this Mk-2 (and also its pilots which are Camile Bidan and Char Arznable) actually.. but just seeing it being fool because pilot by some other character in Mobile Suit ZZ gundam series.. i love the design and the weapon of this gundam as it is the successor of the original gundam RX-78..
So lets check out the box and the runners..

actually i'm not a fan of UC series especially Zeta gundam series but i just love the design of their MS.. Zeta gundam, Hyakushiki and of course.. Mk-2.. i do watch few episode of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam from TV and also internet.. too bad that i can't stand for the quality of old anime.. it took me so much patience of watching the Mobile Suit ZZ gundam until the last disc.. as we all know.. first few episodes normally not that excited and the action scene from gundam is not much.. but Mk-2 got lot of appearance from the first few episode.. especially the Titan version.. gosh.. i want to get the Titan version too.. and i stop watching the Mobile Suit Zeta gundam series after seeing Camile's father got killed in the Rick Dias.. So.. i know not much about the glory and the legend of this Mk-2 (and also its pilots which are Camile Bidan and Char Arznable) actually.. but just seeing it being fool because pilot by some other character in Mobile Suit ZZ gundam series.. i love the design and the weapon of this gundam as it is the successor of the original gundam RX-78..
So lets check out the box and the runners..
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Toys toys toys (BigBadToyStore)

alright.. here we go.. another huge online hobby shop that selling various of toys from U.S .. gunpla, figure, transformer, games, anime and manga.. and it called.. THE BIGBADTOYSTORE .. big bad toys for big boys.. hahaha..
mm.. just want to share my opinion on collecting toys or model kit in this post..
i guess most of us has been being criticized that you aren't a kid.. you are a teenager or working adult which should have other interest like computer games, sports, clubbing, photography, fishing or others instead of collecting toys which kid normally do.. think of it.. when we are child.. we do owned toys but mostly bought by parents and our choice was very limited as it was not our money to buy the toys or.. model kit that we wish to have that time..
today.. we earn money ourselves.. we use our money to buy whatever toys we want.. time to make our dream come true.. yet some of our friend may feel weird of what we are doing and why we were so into it.. and they said we are wasting our money?. never mind.. think of it.. what will you do when all your friend is not around and you got nothing to do.. at least i'm still have my hobby.. haha..
everyone is collecting different thing.. stem, antique, pen, and watch.. big boy big toys.. so .. why not the real toys?.. toys or model kit do have future value too.. so.. those who said you are wasting your money, weird, or childish.. just ignore it.. some of my friend who use to say that to me is being influence by me into gunpla too .. haha.. so
big boy.. big toys..

before i end this post.. have to thank someone..
Chrismandesign who inspired me in writing.. that toy collector is not weird or cavemen.. we do have normal life..
Just my opinion..
Monday, March 22, 2010
Another day in Times Square
it've been six days not posting anything!!!.. busy on study and work.. don't even have time to start my next project.. the MG Mk 2..
so.. went to Times Square again.. not mainly to re-supply or buying gundam kits but to watch movie with friend.. Alice in Wonderland.. and my friend that have influence by me into gunpla world starting to influence me back.. hahaha.. time to payback.. brought a better camera.. the Canon IXUS 200 is.. so take some photos during this outing..

so.. went to Times Square again.. not mainly to re-supply or buying gundam kits but to watch movie with friend.. Alice in Wonderland.. and my friend that have influence by me into gunpla world starting to influence me back.. hahaha.. time to payback.. brought a better camera.. the Canon IXUS 200 is.. so take some photos during this outing..
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
HG Masurao

slash slash slash.. this unit is all about slash.. all the pose was either normal standing pose or slashing pose cause it only got one type of weapon.. chakram beam saber.. is there machine gun on its chest?..
alright.. here is the color that used:
- black and white (mix together to create dark gray color).
- Mr.color gloss coat.
- panel line.
basically i didn't paint much for this kit accept all the gray color area.. i paint that area mainly is because of the color is not dark enough.. and to cover all the nub marks.. other nub marks was cover just using the black gundam marker..
i will NEVER.. NEVER.. NEVER TRUST CAN SPRAY!!!!! the house opposite my house was doing renovation and got a lot of dust fly over to my house when i paint this kit.. so.. all the dust was coat together.. but that is not the problem.. the biggest
problem is the bubble that form at the head of the can spray and got to the area i paint.. spoil the whole part and have to use thinner remove it.. and re-apply.. waste lot of money there!!!.. that is why i switch to use air brush.. got a lot of part that not coat properly.. lets get into the pics..
Monday, March 15, 2010
So.. some new supply..
-surfacer 1000
-mr.color leveling thinner
-mr.color clear orange
-gundam marker (big head type)
-sd kakuka virsago
at first i was thinking to some dark grey color paint, Sd sun chuan tiger type and MG astray red frame kai but all of them out of stock.. zzz.. so this is what i get.. guess i will have to wait for next month only get the the thing that out of stock..

this gundam marker pen is different from the normal type which have blue body.. this gundam marker pen comes with big head for some thick line area..
bought this to paint the reborn beam saber and also some part at the antenna of Masurao..
i'm running out of surfacer.. so i bought this too..
compare to the normal thinner it only cost another RM 3.. and the seller there told me that leveling thinner is dry slower than the normal type.. mm.. not sure..
thats all..
-surfacer 1000
-mr.color leveling thinner
-mr.color clear orange
-gundam marker (big head type)
-sd kakuka virsago
at first i was thinking to some dark grey color paint, Sd sun chuan tiger type and MG astray red frame kai but all of them out of stock.. zzz.. so this is what i get.. guess i will have to wait for next month only get the the thing that out of stock..
thats all..
Sunday, March 14, 2010
HG Masurao WIP 7
HG Masurao WIP 6
legs and feet unit complete..
a very unique feet design where there is some gap the back of the feet (heel)..

look at the pelvis.. there where the ball joint from the waist unit going to connect.. and this type of joint not only not flexible enough but also very loose.. and WEAK!!! the entire leg always come out when i try to make some dynamic pose.. zzz
this is the pose i try to make and the legs keep on coming out..
hey hey hey.. kame.. kame.. wait a minute.. MS don't have such super power yet.. except those G-series gundam..
isn't that without the (i don't know what it called but it can become a claw for susanowo) is look a lot better?
to be continue
to be continue
Saturday, March 13, 2010
HG Masurao WIP 5
HG Masurao WIP 4
back to this kit now.. the hand unit.. like i said.. this skinny unit really got a lot of part.. even on its skinny hand.. compare to overflag.. the arm unit have no knifes.. and the shoulders really looks like GN drive.. the structure like a turbine..

the part that i left for the first picture..

i was wondering why it need so much palm.. i think we don't have to buy manipulator for this kit..
i'm quite disappointed with the shoulder's structure actually.. i'm not sure is this the original design but i'm just don't like it.. isn't there should be plate armor at the back?.. zzz.. never mind..
the complete hand unit..
to be continue..
to be continue..
Friday, March 12, 2010
it is growing [ Thank you ]
this post will be something about my blog..

actually nothing huge happen in my blog.. but i'm just glad that it has grow.. for just 10 month after i set the sitemeter.. it show that more than 20000 visitor have visited my blog.. i know it not much since some blog can just easily can 20000 visitor in a few days or maybe in a day.. but i'm just not famous and only share limited topic here.. just want to say "Thank you for all of you that visit my blog, added this blog into your blogroll and re-visit my blog again".. i will try to improve my blog and create more interesting post in future..
and this is the funny thing that i found from here.. maybe its not funny.. it is a website that evaluate website.. and the value of my blog is Singapore Dollar 27,507.89 .. wow.. if it convert to RM.. it value is more than RM 50,000.. i was like.. wow.. but..
wait a minute.. who is going to buy my blog?.. haha.. even if there are someone who want to buy my blog.. mm.. i may not sell it too.. but RM 50,000.. 5 times value of my whole gundam collection.. mm.. really make me think twice.. haha.. i'm just kidding.. i'm rather build another one for them..
i try put other website such as or Ngeekhiong.blogspot and their value was counted in million.. ok.. that show how little i am.. haha..
Anyway.. recently i'm just adding some banner ad from some online hobby shop which from different country such as USA, Japan and also Hong Kong.. so.. whoever have just get into this hobby (gunpla).. and can't find any good price for gunpla or the gunpla that you wanted at local store.. try to click at the banner ad that i add on the side bar.. trust me.. so many excited thing inside.. so the website that included for the banner ad are:

actually nothing huge happen in my blog.. but i'm just glad that it has grow.. for just 10 month after i set the sitemeter.. it show that more than 20000 visitor have visited my blog.. i know it not much since some blog can just easily can 20000 visitor in a few days or maybe in a day.. but i'm just not famous and only share limited topic here.. just want to say "Thank you for all of you that visit my blog, added this blog into your blogroll and re-visit my blog again".. i will try to improve my blog and create more interesting post in future..
and this is the funny thing that i found from here.. maybe its not funny.. it is a website that evaluate website.. and the value of my blog is Singapore Dollar 27,507.89 .. wow.. if it convert to RM.. it value is more than RM 50,000.. i was like.. wow.. but..
wait a minute.. who is going to buy my blog?.. haha.. even if there are someone who want to buy my blog.. mm.. i may not sell it too.. but RM 50,000.. 5 times value of my whole gundam collection.. mm.. really make me think twice.. haha.. i'm just kidding.. i'm rather build another one for them..
i try put other website such as or Ngeekhiong.blogspot and their value was counted in million.. ok.. that show how little i am.. haha..
Anyway.. recently i'm just adding some banner ad from some online hobby shop which from different country such as USA, Japan and also Hong Kong.. so.. whoever have just get into this hobby (gunpla).. and can't find any good price for gunpla or the gunpla that you wanted at local store.. try to click at the banner ad that i add on the side bar.. trust me.. so many excited thing inside.. so the website that included for the banner ad are:
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
New Project (All for OO series)
alright.. finally reborn gundam and MG GN-X arrived.. and got a little extra thing.. the HG Clear version for O gundam and Exia R2 which i never plan to get it at first..
finally i got my HG Reborn.. antagonist especially the leader always have some bad ass MS which is special ability, strong, may a bit bulk and unique outlook.. i have been wishing to have it long time ago.. with such complicated structure.. i guess if it release in NG 1/100.. it will have a lot of articulation problem.. will discuss more about this kit when i assemble it..

the HG Clear version for O gundam and Exia R2 seems like having bigger box right.. in fact the width and height looks larger than MG GN-X.. but the deep?.. check the next picture.. the boxart is good to use for poster.. haha
This is the deep for HG Clear version for O gundam and Exia R2.. so thin.. and this is the picture for all the kit that i haven't build..
seeing so many people assembling their MG GN-X really obsessing me to build one too.. but luckily i haven't started because i will regret if i do it before seeing Keita's work on this kit.. i'm not sure what color he was use for the grey color part but it looks like yellowish silver which looks a bit like gold.. inspire me a lot.. i may follow the same color if i find the right paint.. picture from Keita's blog"
this new project may schedule start after May 2010 which after i finish my HG Masurao and MG Mk 2.. still got a lot to go for HG Masurao.. will update more soon..
finally i got my HG Reborn.. antagonist especially the leader always have some bad ass MS which is special ability, strong, may a bit bulk and unique outlook.. i have been wishing to have it long time ago.. with such complicated structure.. i guess if it release in NG 1/100.. it will have a lot of articulation problem.. will discuss more about this kit when i assemble it..
the HG Clear version for O gundam and Exia R2 seems like having bigger box right.. in fact the width and height looks larger than MG GN-X.. but the deep?.. check the next picture.. the boxart is good to use for poster.. haha

this new project may schedule start after May 2010 which after i finish my HG Masurao and MG Mk 2.. still got a lot to go for HG Masurao.. will update more soon..
IXUS 200 IS miniature 4GB thumbdrive
i think some people that use to visit Dannychoo site may have saw the Canon EOS 5D Mk 2 miniature 4GB thumbdrive.. and now.. i have it too!!! but it is in IXUS form.. haha.. but i'm rather to have this real camera (Canon IXUS 200IS)..

does it look like the real one now.. haha..
i spoil the screen when i bought it back because i left it in my pocket..
Figure photos with EF 100mm 1:2.8 L IS USM
alright.. this time is not in Sunway but is in E@Curve a.k.a Cineleisure Damansara.. again.. don't know the name of the figure.. but this time.. i use EOS 500D with EF 100mm 1:2.8 L IS USM which is the new lens that release not long ago.. most probably that this lens is the replacement of the EF 100mm 1:2.8 USM.. what i can say is this lens is not that easy to use.. first.. i need to stay at least a meter away from the object to use this lens.. and this lens is quite heavy as well.. so.. when i look through the view finder.. normally it will like a bit shaky.. but don't worry.. this lens have aperture at F2.8 which can absorb lot of light for me to increase the shutter speed that reduce blurness.. then.. this lens also come with IS (optical image stabilizer).. don't have to worry much about the weight anymore.. looking at the red line and the word 'L' already tell me that the color for sure is impressive but i still can't differentiate much about the color.. but i do know a bit of 'L' lenses.. the reason for 'L' lenses expensive is because of the material which called fluorite have been use inside the get sharper picture and better color accuracy.. it also reduce the glare, flare or color gradation if i'm not wrong.. this is what the Canon lens workbook said.. part of that.. Canon 'L' lenses will normally come with a superior housing which like some kind of magnesium alloy and for those white color lenses which is normally use for zoom.. it said water resistant if i'm not remember wrong (try at your own risk, if i'm wrong please don't blame me).. enough for the info.. lets check the pics..
the first photo of this lens actually taken by the EFS 18-55 IS.. impressive?.. somehow at the 18mm of this lens which equivalent to 28.8mm (model without full frame start from EOS 7D and below is all using APS-C size CMOS Censor which have 1.6 cropping factor that make the actual mm of the lens multiply by 1.6 to get the 35mm film equivalent format) in film format can make a bit of distortion which we like to call it fish eye effect..
look at the depth of field.. gosh..
all using AWB (auto white balance) and the color temperature and tone.. judge yourself.. better than my IXUS 55 100 times.. XD

the gun seems too heavy and it need a stand.. but i'm more interested on the handgun on the left hand.. haha
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