haha.. wow wow wow.. speed of light.. tons of new gunpla being showed from Bandai in the 50th All Japan Plamodel Hobby Show 2010.. not talking about the PG Strike Freedom that have announced couple of week ago or those HG from the OO movie series.. before the prototype out.. the real color model is ready to show.. Bandai must have boosting up the speed for its new gunpla for the show.. part of that.. just after the release of MG Deathcschyte.. the prototype custom version have been made out.. this is crazy.. if you a gunpla follower like Dalong.. prepare to burn your wallet and take few month of holidays to work on them if all of it release at the same time.. XD.. i hope i can do that..
so.. first start with the PG Strike Freedom.. i guess lot of you know about it.. it's like another grand PG launch out with some people say.. the largest PG ever (after the wing expand).. and the price.. expensive than the PG OO raiser which is also another huge and famous PG with a lot of unique gimmick.. i guess a lot of people still asking what about the gold inner frame inside.. ok.. scroll down and look at the picture..
not this.. further down for the inner frame.. but before that.. mm.. nice articulation.. do you all realize most of people that own a PG doesn't pose it much.. i mean in dynamic way.. i never build a PG or pose a PG before but i definitely sure that most people doesn't pose their PG in dynamic way was due to the weight issue.. but not the articulation issue.. don't relate this to the old PG cause i don't know much on it..
well.. at the edited photo.. it look awesome in its dynamic pose but after seeing this picture.. you can see it is not easy to pose the kit at the previous picture.. like the old style gimmick.. open up the plate armor to show the inner frame.. haha.. this is cool..i wish i can make a base like that in all my display shelf.. living the room in dim light environment with this kind of light glowing under the kit.. omg..
well.. from the pictures.. i'm still not clear what color is that.. bronze?.. brown yellow???.. i don't see it is gold.. or gold plated.. can someone define it for me?.. hehe.. well thats all for the PG Strike Freedom..
moving on.. this is another reason i said Bandai moving fast.. the MG wing series gundam.. instead of showing one by one.. all was showed and with the complete color as well.. even faster than showing the the four HG OO series for CB side..
this is my favorite one.. but i can't find the picture with gatling gun yet.. but heavyarm is always my favorite in the Wing series..
i remember i was given the 1/144 clear color HG custom version.. it was from my friend.. old school friend during my primary school.. too bad that time he lost the blade.. and the worse part is i lost the entire kit except the shield.. mm.. this look cool too but i'm more favor to the custom version which have slimmer proportion..
no comment on this.. but seldom see MG with long close combat weapon such as lance or spear..
and i guess this is one hell kit that everyone wishing for.. i already saw some one build it with the current released MG Deatchschyte and added custom wing on it.. follow this link .. i don' know how he do it.. with the 1/100 version or the custom scratch build for the wings..
and the fourth reason is.. yup.. most of it know it will come since it just another variation of rezel with few different parts.. but not that fast.. will jegan come in the same speed behind.. hehe.. and this.. another unexpected i guess.. guess the MG OO Qant is too boring.. so..its opponent.. GN-X fifth version coming in with MG version soon.. and tsuki still haven't finish his MG GN-X.. haha..
and the boxart of MG OO QAN(T) is out.. so fast.. just in few weeks after the kit announce.. the prototype is done within two weeks after it announced for MG version and now the boxart come in in third week?..
wish i have this kind of display base or stand too.. recently working on my pla-plate and scribing skill.. hope i can master it as soon as possible and proceed to the next stage.. diorama.. haha
so.. i guess thats all.. my personal opinion on these new release.. again.. i'm still feel its like too fast of all these kit announce.. not judging it a good news or a bad news.. but just not use to it.. feels like someone suddently treat you too good.. haha..
all images are from are from G.G and gunjap .. check out there for more picture about other HG such as the HGAW DX.. awesome kit.. another fast growing series in HGAW line..
there is one video show in G.G which show the wing gimmick of the PG Strike Freedom.. check it out.. coming back soon..