nothing much.. creating a half built building.. the dynames will use it as the cover.. to hide itself..
i just realize that the mr. cement deluxe which use for plastic can't use on paper.. since i'm using a normal card board.. i have to use back the normal glue which use for paper.. but it not strong enough.. what should i do next?.. no clue..
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
April Loot
one last post before i'm off to my trip.. MG Astray Red Frame!!!.. finally i got it.. i've been hesitating on getting this or the Hyakushiki since the price only different for RM 1.. and i want to get these two thing.. but my wallet only can afford one.. why this and not that? the second picture explain it..
i prepare the space for displaying it.. damn.. i always feel there is something missing beside the MG Astray Blue Frame Second L.. and now.. i can fill in the "blank".. haha.. as for MG Hyakushiki.. maybe next two months.. have to watch over my backlog too..
alright.. that's all for now..
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Project Desert Hunter part 2 WIP 2 (diorama)
Your burger is ready sir.. XD
ok.. its not a funny joke anyway.. i should say the test was quite successful.. i got the color i want without painting it and this "thing" stronger than i thought after it dry..
ok.. its not a funny joke anyway.. i should say the test was quite successful.. i got the color i want without painting it and this "thing" stronger than i thought after it dry..
some place of this "thing" broke, break.. whatever.. while i test how strong is this "thing"..
so.. i think it is the time i work on the base now.. that card board will be use to create a damage building..
more update coming soon.. but not this week as i'm going to China this weekend.. a trip.. yeah!!!
stay tune..
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Project Desert Hunter part 2 WIP (diorama)
alright.. after absent for few days.. it is time to get back here before the end of this weekend.. before building the actual thing.. i need to test out the material first.. i mean how to use putty, sand and glue to create the "ground"..
these are the material.. forget about the news in the newspaper..
i'm not getting something expensive but a normal putty that use for !@#$%..
glue.. don't ask me why use this type cause i also don't know.. just pick randomly in the hardware store..
the puttyfiller looks like some kind of white cream or mayonnaise..
"please do not let your children play with it or (imagine it on the face?)"..
sand.. rough type.. bought it from gardener..
first.. create a crater.. put the putty inside it and add some water..
then mix all together.. just like how the construction people do with cement and sand..
and it will something like your "poo-poo"..
make it into square shape (you can leave it in any shape).. and let it dry.. i thought of using microwave to make it dry.. more faster.. but my mom will kill me if i do that.. you get what i mean?..
alright.. just before i start the diorama material test.. i found this.. guess what can i use for it..
TA DA!!!.. reflector.. those are reflector that use to create reflection.. those are not the real one.. it use for wrapping incense.. but i found it look like one of those reflector that can cost few hundred ringgit.. so.. i think i can use it in the future..
damn.. i think i miss the January and February issues.. the seller said only the latest is available at this moment.. RM25 for the latest issues while RM11 for the older issues.. haizz..
and this will use for weathering..
got the GN sword 5 decal too.. even though those are not Japanese issues.. but i don't have GN sword 5.. haha
PC fair coming soon.. seems like i only able to update more after this weekend.. stay tune..
Monday, April 11, 2011
Project Desert Hunter part 1 complete ( the kit)

The first part of this project means the kit and the second part of the project means the diorama.. and the part three will be the completion of the whole project.. lets check at the material list first part 1:
-Mr.Surfacer 1200
-Mr.Hobby metal
-Mr.Hobby flat white and Mr.Hobby black (to create a mat grey)
-Mr.Hobby red
-Mr.Hobby yellow
-Mr.Hobby green (the green color is the combination of green and grey which is the combination of the flat white and black)
-Mr.Hobby clear green
-Mr.Hobby metal color alluminuim
-mitsubishi 0.1 gundam marker
-0.5mm plate
M.S.G parts
as i said in the earlier of this project.. the kit will done with lot of area added with pla-plate.. i cut all the pla-plate into smaller size and combine then together this time.. it is different from last time which i normally cut it out in a large size.. cutting the pla-plate in smaller size is more easier to control in terms of duplicating the shape for the second part.. the bad part is the pla-plate i used is 0.5 mm which is too thick for multilayer pla-plating.. recommended type for multilayer pla-plating should go for something which is thinner like 0.3mm.. the thickness of the pla-plate i use also giving me problem in terms of cutting the shape out.. apart from the pla-plate, i also added some M.S.G part so it will not look that plain.. i also drilled some hole and also scribed out some extra panel line.. i should paint more panel line to make it look even better..
in terms of paint.. the hardest part i face is the green color.. it is because i added the grey on it to make it look more like a flat green which it don't.. after the paint dry.. there is some grey-ish color appear and i have to apply another layer of green.. the clear green color is work better then i expected..
since this kit bought few years ago.. most of it joint are very loose.. the beam sabers are lost.. that is why i didn't post it with beam saber in the photos.. even though it is consider one of the upgrade version of NG 1/100 in ters of articulation but there are still lot of restriction especially holding the beam sniper rifle with two hands.. the heaviness of the shield attach to the shoulders also give me a lot of problem while posing it.. too bad that the missile gimmick for the front waist armor and knees are not included in this kit.. hope it will include in the MG version if this release in MG which we need to wait for another few years.. in terms of proportion for this kit.. i think it still can be improve but i don't what should it be.. alright.. lets check out the pics..
the WIP of part two will be coming soon.. stay tune..
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