alright.. why i call this as resurrection project.. "it means it will come out from the box and back to display again with some of my custom touch" in my definition.. some might ask why i choose this project since i have MG Astray Red Frame Kai? the answer is here.. from my previous review.. this was the best Non-grade 1/100 kit i had in Seed/Destiny Series.. even though this kit do come with a lot of detail.. it still got lot of potential to modify it.. such as adding detail to some plate armor and fixing the proportion.. slightly improve the articulation..
since i have no money for buying paint now and i'm stuck in my MC Hi-Nu gundoom.. starting another project can cure my "plamo addiction".. the main reason i start this before the MG version is.. i prefer the proportion of non-grade version rather than the MG version which is more slim and sleek.. if you check the art line of this kit.. the non-grade version follow exactly the same from the artline design as we can find it from the assembling manual but of course.. it is not the best proportion design.. especially comparing to the PG version..
i'm not sure which one is the most accurate or the best proportion but the one that i prefer most will be the PG version.. bulkier and all the proportion design is well balance.. as for the MG version.. it inherit lot of detail from the PG but again.. the proportion design is too slim or sleek.. other than that.. the MG version doesn't come with the conventional shield, astray beam rifle and the astray backpack which carry two beam sabers.. as for the Non-grade 1/100 or the HG 1/144 version.. it is almost same or "same" as in anime.. the proportion designs are more similar to the PG version but it suffer some proportion problem at the same time.. the chest and the neck.. which i'm going to fix it.. i download lot of photo about this kit to study what i need to touch up..

first.. start with the box art.. i bought it before the release of the PG and MG version.. and i don't realize anything about the proportion problem.. the thing i have in my mind is.. this kit feels like missing something but i don't know what it is..
OOB version.. one of the best photo and poses to show this kit in detail..
the proportion looks better in some of the "CG or fan art" version.. if i'm not wrong.. the red color back ground version is made by sandrum and display in deviantart..
the next thing i need to study about this kit is the PG version since it is my favorite version for Astray.. best proportion "IMO" and lot of detail.. as i compare the PG version to the Non-grade version.. what i found out about the proportion is the chest and neck as i mentioned in the second para.. the neck is too short and should place further backward by few mm for the non-grade.. the chest size is the second proportion problem.. it is too small to fit with it bulky arms and legs.. that is why it look a bit weird.. it slightly too flat even compare the artline design.. the third problems fall to the feet which i don't have any idea to fix it yet.. the feet for non-grade version is too slim as compare to the PG version..
again.. i'm half way done before i made this post.. the first stage for the arms, head, shoulders, chest and waist.. the second stage will the touch up for sanding which will start after i complete the first stage for the legs..
one thing i like to mention about this kit is.. PG, MG, NG and HG of this kit.. always look great.. especially in standing pose.. and we still can get the bling bling sword in this version.. i will add some special thing for this project.. and it will review at the end of the project.. stay tune..
only the last picture is mine.. others are from Google..