lets start with head.. basically it just same as the normal RX-78.. but the eye is green colour which the RX-78 is in yellow colour.. and it can attach some part to make it like wearing a helm..
it got no cockpit.. so.. it got no pilot on it..
wrist is the most annoying part.. it just like building the same thing and attach together but it quite complicated.. and a lot of small tiny parts need panel line..
i heard that it hard to cut the frame from the runner.. in fact.. it really hard.. the whole inner frame of the leg is actually had combine together.. also the hydraulic pump..
some time it just hard to bend the leg cause every time i bend the leg.. the hydraulic pump will come off.. i'm not sure what is the problem..
nothing to complain here.. hehe
i'm just feel it look cool without the two shield but it just look like it miss something..
damn.. all the weapon is quite hard for it hold on it's palm..