lets talk about the the part of this kit.. come with cloak and helm.. cool.. finally get the old sd kit's feel back.. because old sd kit will normally come with helm.. painting on the cloak is quite easy and i didn't paint the helm cause i feel it don't need it..
this part is the most easiest to paint.. come in three pieces and molded into 3 separate part since it in different colour.. i didn't make any panel line on it this time.. i'm afraid of making the same mistake as my previous Sd Guan Ping..
another interesting parts.. i put the stickers wrongly and end up both sticker of the silver part stick at left shoulder.. i decided to leave it since i can use the silver marker to paint the silver part.. i use back the stickers provided for the red colour parts due to i don't have the red marker same as the stickers.. luckily nothing happen on the red colour parts..
Should i call these a claw???
Body with no armor.. i guess.. or the armor already molded together with the body.. this is the part the required more paint.. gold and red.. and luckily there are some part of the cloak cover the red colour part so the flaw cant be see easily
another simple part... but a lot of stickers.. must put top coat on here to prevent the stickers come off itself.. also added some gold colour..
Golden shoes har??? just paint and got no sticker here.. but still required top coat to protect the paint..
this time i done all my thing in time to prevent the paint coming out before i apply top coat.. and finally i realize what happen to the gold colour old my Sd Guan ping which the gold colour faded.. the top coat is the major cause.. maybe i should not call it top coat but a non-colour paint.. and it has made the colour faded.. it was good for other colours like red become dark red or blue become dark blue..
and it complete without weapon yet..
hey dude.. paint my sword (is that a blade???)
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