the box was quite big.. and now.. after i reorganize those old kits and their boxes.. new one gave me trouble..
so.. these is what i use to build this kit.. mostly are gundam marker.. miss the red gundam marker to cover those visible red nub marks.. ish!!! it just so hard to get single color gundam marker here.. most of it come in one package with six color..
quite similar to Rx-93 cockpit.. got some monitor or those controller in front so that the pilot won't easily fall down since the clip for the pilot quite loose..
comes with a clear green color cover like MK 2.. mm.. just don't know what is it for.. 360 degree screen maybe.. like the Rick Dom.. hehe
alright.. this the inner chest.. nothing to say here..
this is the place that took me a lot of time.. the golden embled.. damn.. i don't know how to spell the golden "embled".. am i spell it right.. correct me if i'm wrong.. gold gundam marker.. the foil sticker all around here.. notice that some of the part with the foil stickers had remove and i replace it with gundam marker which make it look a lot better..
red part that use for the chest was qutie less.. only three red color part needed here.. i'm also shock when i removed those red color part to apply decal.. it was so easy..
inner frame for head??? this is so nice.. even its so simple.. and when the head turn.. the eye turn too..
the head machine gun was paint by the silver gundam marker.. it turn out quite nice..
i don't know that this runner suppose to be in gold color.. but after look through fudoushin's blog.. i paint it with gold gundam marker.. gold gundam marker again..
this is the picture that i post in to get comment and advise for those foil sticker.. mm..
this is not the simple part.. not because its complicated but require quite number of parts here.. the bending angle was quite impressive here..
haha.. sorry if you feel offend from me.. the finger was so flexible.. and flexible until its so loose too hold the weapon.. five fingers can be move independently and the clip for the palm totally ridiculous.. why??? it can't clip the beam rifle at all..
expandable.. the only word i can describe here.. and independent inner frame which does not require outer part to connect it..
beam rifle runner.. wow wow wow.. the whole runner was for the beam rifle and the small cannon alone.. since the beam rifle from MG Infinite Justice.. this is another weapon structure that impress me a lot..
hahahahaha.. imagine this in 1/1 scale.. how many mm for the lens will be.. 1200mm like the one from Canon lens.. XD.. i guess the separated scope here was use to make faster focusing for aiming..
this is it.. the beam rifle.. sniper beam rifle.. haha.. can combine with the short cannon..
at first i thought i want to use gundam marker to fix all the golden part here.. but then.. a lot of mistake made here.. so i decided to use back the foil stickers..
hope it won't come off that easily..
without decal yet.. but it still look very nice.. look at the next picture..
just part of the dry decals being use.. still left almost 80+ dry decal to go on.. can you imagine it.. so crazy.. 200+ dry decal..
ok.. i'm not complain about how bad this kit is but some of the problem from this kit really hard to overcome here.. haizz.. every kits have flaw.. don't think this kit can pass on that.. haha.. but so far it is one of the kit that impressed me a lot..
to be continue..
Wow you got the Sianju and built it! I don't think I can handle a MG like that (and I've only built one MG so far, which is for a friend).
Just knowing the number of foil stickers and decals out there is crazy already. I thought you may follow Z's way of doing the gold emblems, but it could be way too long to do. How long did it take to build this btw?
i almost spend a week with almost 8 hours per day.. that is quite long.. just finish up the photo.. will post it up soon..
seven, u got skillz man! i wouldnt dare to buy it even if i have the money...
i have to say Sinanju is the best made MG so far...
Flying ukui: thx.. hey.. if you don't mine just wan to as you one thing.. your name "Ukui" is mean turtle or tortoise in chinese?
HOW the HELL DID you do the emblems??? i've just epically failed on my MG sinanju... steady hands or you used the stickers????
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