after finishing the PG OO raiser.. it is the time for some relaxing project which is this.. the HGUC Stark Jegan.. and finally.. complete!!!.. my plan on this kit is actually try to add as much detail as possible like adding more pla plate and other M.S.G parts.. the pla plate plan seems a bit too simple.. and not enough M.S.G parts added.. but i think i quite satisfy for the end result.. i always think to re-color the whole thing rather then leave it in green and gray and yellow.. i think a lot of different color scheme.. mainly will base on gray color.. thinking of making light purple with it as i never paint my kit in purple before.. or maybe yellow as the main color and still left the armor in gray color.. but end up wanting it in white for jegan and dark gray for stark type armor.. but white seems a bit too hard to handle so i decided to make it light gray.. due to some accident in the mixture.. end up with dark gray and need to change the original plan of dark gray for the armor to black.. lighter black since i using the dark gray (wrong mixture) added with black and black steel color.. after that.. the original yellow color that should add paint on the kit.. end up with metallic red because of the mixture metallic red with thinner from the PG OO raiser.. and the last part which is my favorite.. alluminium for the joint.. since the armor is black.. i decided not to use the same color back.. alright.. that's all for the coloring story.. and here is the paint list:
-Mr.Surfacer 1200
-Mr.Color Metallic Red
-Mr.Color Black-Mr.Color Black Steel
-Mr.Color White
added pla plate and M.S.G parts.. i lost the beam saber.. so i can't show any picture with beam saber like how the Stark Jegan fight Kshatriya in the first episode of Unicorn gundam.. only able to show the weapon like bazooka and beam rifle.. lets check out the pics first
this will be the place it rest for now.. together with other HG unit..
after the long story of the color scheme.. i think i show the pictures first before i'm going to any further for this post.. basically this kit is a great kit.. most of the parts are molded separately except the waist armor and shoulders which require a bit of masking painting style.. joints are quite sturdy.. everything hold we.. one good thing about HGUC is weight issue won't occur for most of the kit.. most of the UC design always not design with large back pack as compare to those Seed/Destiny or OO series.. proportion is accurate and in terms of articulation was not too bad for this kit.. except the joint for the tight to the waist have limited movement because of using ball joint.. the anti-ship missile pack on the shoulders might create some obstacle for the arms.. and also blocking most of the lighting to the head.. that is why some photo are added blue light in it cause i'm using some LED torch light to improve the lighting.. other was fine.. why blue LED?.. i can't find other torch light or table lamp.. haha.. so.. this is a fun build rather than stress build.. hope you guys enjoy this..
next project will reveal on next post..
stay tune..
Actually, the missiles on the shoulders there are the anti-ship type. The nukes are normally attached externally beside the missile packs.
The Jegan by itself is a great kit, sleek and balance. But yours looks like it was from one of those covert operations detachment units. =D
This color scheme is soooo much better then the green one. It's more "I'm gonna kill you" then "Please shoot at me."
bd77: luckily you correct me on the missile type.. i can't remember the type of it..
Tom: you say it like a kamikaze unit.. haha..
The black really looks good on it. It looks like a stealth unit ready to go on assasination missions on the go XD
man, this colour scheme really rocks !!! but as u said, the head seems like a black point in the upper side... i don’t know, myb a brighter colour for the head would fix the problem, the rest is tasteful =)
Nice colour scheme! The overall dark tone gives the Stark Jegan something of an elite status, almost like those ECOAS units, but perhaps even more secretive and ruthless!
Gundam Gunso: yeah..i should thing a name for it.. some stealth special ops squadron unit..
Chris: that's why i made the partial of the head unit in red.. but it seems can't help much..
Q: i think of the ECOAS color scheme before but it just completely disappear when i really plan for the color scheme.. haha.. i think after adding in my HGUC Rezel custom color scheme and my latest HGUC Unicorn (not complete) with special color scheme too.. might create a new squadron..
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