Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sd Sangokuden ryubi on progress

i was wondering is this kit base on Rx-78??.. mm.. confuse.. the story line that provided with the building guide line was in japanese.. i was wondering that is it come in two version cause i get the guan ping and cao cao one was in english version.. mm..

it so simple.. at first time i thought the body and the wrist armor was molded together..

Sd guan ping have the same body as well

another simple part.. sticker provided so i don't need to use silver marker that much..

ok.. this is the place that my sticker all screw up.. :(

even it required less paint here but it hard to paint here.. because all the part that need to be paint was too small

preparing for top coat.. running out of top coat.. so.. the legs got nothing there..

basically it was an simple and do not required much paint kit.. but need to more on the sticker..

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