i didn't realize when i assemble MG Force Impulse that most of the armor have detail at the back but i didn't bother to panel line it.. hehe.. lazy..
saw the red circle? nothing can be found there except the armor take off.. why? while i try to do some detailing on the inner armor.. there was some mistake.. then i use the gundam marker a.k.a eraser which contain thinner inside.. after that.. i clean it with cloth and accidentally press to hard on that part.. guess what.. that part broke off and i'm totally gone.. stun i guess.. so.. what can i do is put everything into the armor and handle it nicely.. haizz..
mm.. luckily Bandai is generous or it just lazy to redesign the shield.. we can get the same shield for MG Sword Impulse like MG Force Impulse since the shield for Sword Impulse doesn't open like Force Impulse's shield..
i almost forgot about the sliding handle bar for the beam rifle.. it will look more nice for the handle bar slide to the back..
god damn lot of panel line need to do here.. actually the leg's armor too.. zzz..
did a little bit detailing on the hydraulic pump.. not all since after the incident on the right arm.. and i'm still can't handle the gundam marker well..
ok.. i found that the structure of the backpack was actually quite interesting.. look simple but contain a lot of part and the thruster actually can move for different angle.. also got a lot of panel line for the boomerang.. damn..
this is the complete one without decal.. i guess i will finish it by tomorrow and photo for action pose coming soon.. need some inspiration and feel for the photo.. so.. feel free to suggest on the action pose that i should make..
to be continue..
hmm... ur seriously tempting me XD
i know ur problem on gundam markers... hard to control rite?
I just paint oni... if it spills then i'll wipe of the excess with alcohol swab... works everytime ^^
mm.. will the alcohol swab dry fast.. cause i afraid it will spill like gundam marker and hit those area that i done.. and can i use the those thing that use to refill lighter?
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