Monday, July 7, 2008

MG Strike Freedom

since.. today connection stable a lot than normal.. so i decided to upload as much thing as possible..

I own both version of this kit.. normal and full burst mode.. why??? the story is like this and simple.. at first i thought i want to get the full burst version but i can't wait for the full burst version come out.. so i decided to get the normal version first.. and then.. a day after that.. the boss from the toyshop i visit frequently give me a call.. guess you know what happen right.. the thing that i wait so long arrived.. and i went to get it 3 days after i got the normal version.. ish.. but never mind.. since i own both version i can prevent the mistake which i make from the first one.. and i can make different pose for this kit at the same time..

So whats the different in between both normal and full burst version??? ok.. story about disappointment here.. at first.. everybody was thought that full burst version will come in a gold plate (bling bling) inner frame which it not in the fact but only some part of the inner frame that expose.. not 100%.. check out the leg.. alright.. this is one of the differences.. extra stand.. come with some sticks which allow us to connect the DRAGOON (some kind of dipatchable weapon) to the stand and make it look like it flying on its own.. different colour of the decal.. and thats all .. i think..

great thing about this kit.. the posable kit since the joint for the leg and wrist has improved (check out the second picture).. double beam saber and can be combine.. double beam rifle that can be combine also.. don't have plasma beam cannon at the back like freedom but have one in between its chest and stomach area.. stronger joint and it more stable when doing the stand pose if compare to MG freedom.. you will understand what i'm talking about when you own a MG freedom.. but since i just coated the wings for both kit.. its not that steady anymore..

problem??? again.. complicated structure of the wings.. i'm screw for the normal version.. the lock on the palm.. useless for double beam rifle combine pose.. it need to swap the part for the shield because it using the energy shield (that is what i call it).. so far.. its is a great kit.. but remember that if you really going to buy this kit.. understand wing's part from the manual before assemble it..

here is the picture.. sound like tyra bank.. haha


Drew said...

did you have to do some sanding on this model? or do MG kits hide seams between plastics well?

Kai said...

I'm told the MG Strike Freedom hides most, if not all of the seamlines. Sprues are a different story I think.

Anyway, you should put a layer of topcoat on all of your models to kill the plastic toy look. It looks 1000% better, trust me.


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