guess i'm going to finish this kit at another two more WIP soon.. this is the legs part.. i remember the 1/100 version do have inner frame as well but not as detail as this.. require a lot of panel line also.. especially on those part at the back.. the part for those GN blade which is design to be slide out from the hip (is that called hip?) was quite loose.. but then the ball joint for for those GN blade was quite tight.. the whole structure for the inner frame for this kit got a lot of different as compare to old MG even though it using MG Strike pclycap.. not much detail of the inner frame show but only space or slot for armor.. no sliding armor also..
same like those GN condenser at hand and the side of the head..
sliding part from inner frame but doesn't affect the armor..
TA DA!!! complete leg..
to be continue..
looking good~
my MG Exia delayed again T_T
arrrgg cant wait any longer!
tsukinari: thx.. what happen to yours?
the shipment was delayed, i guess will arrive next week.. along with my paints and stuffs >_<;;
That grey sticker is for Repair Mode only btw. Speaking of which, I don't really know whether I want my Exia to be in normal or in Repair mode.
Q: me too.. the normal mode was nice and clean but the repair mode is cool and awesome.. i'm so confuse..
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