one month to complete the whole thing.. 3 days for photo session.. 2 days for editing and upload to here.. another crazy kit that i spend a lot of my effort to complete it.. the kit itself was not that crazy as MG sinanju but this is the second kit that made me crazy.. the first one was MG sinanju..
matte top coat effect looks not that obvious here.. maybe it due to my editing style has just hide it.. using just normal IXUS compact camera.. must do some editing to make the picture look a bit more interesting.. i took some of the shots few times and post it here due to some different angle and lighting/contrast.. i'm just like them all.. i know that will be abit boring here..
yup.. the posing ability was so limited.. but i do like to use the unicorn mode to post more than destroy mode.. the unicorn mode for this kit was smaller.. as for the destroy mode.. those sliding armor that make it transform feel like very fragile.. so cant move them much to make more post.. pink laser beam saber.. mm feel abit special here.. so.. did't plan to change other color for this..
do notice some of the decal was.. er.. spoil.. not realize it until i took some close up shots.. zzz.. i broke the V-fin once actually.. then i sand it to glue it back but only realize that the place i sand was shorten the width of left fin to the centre part.. and it was after the gold paint was done.. DAMN!!!.. so.. have to add a little bit part (kind of wood actually) and e-glue again.. and add a little bit of the gold gundam marker color on it.. and.. the left fin just look a bit weird over there.. zzz..
alright.. i guess thats all.. enjoy the pics..

henshin ( its mean transform right??? ).. hehe
picture with MG sinanju..
as for the WIP link can follow here..
WIP 1 for runner
WIP 2 for chest and cockpit
WIP 3 head unit
WIP 4 arm unit
WIP 5 waits unit
WIP 6 leg unit
WIP 7 silver painting
WIP 8 back pack and weapons
WIP 9 preparing for top coat
Cool, the eye can only be seen in destroy mode ^^
p/s: I'm peacefan
Congrats on your completion of the Unicorn!
Great job & wonderful photo-shoot there, the poses were very dynamic.
Wow it's been a month already?! Time surely flies...
Very nice job on the Unicorn! Love the chrome thrusters and various details. Lots of dynamic poses even though I was told that this MG isn't very articulated. Thumbs up for the great effort!
Muhammad: thx man.. haha.. peacefan.. me too
Jacques: thx.. glad that you said that.. i'm really trying hard to make the pose more dynamic..
q: yeah.. almost a month actually.. got a lot of part time job.. just have not enough energy and time for this.. anyway.. thx.. thumbs up.. hehe..
peacefan: oops.. sorry.. misunderstood of the word "peacefan" is your name in figure.fm..
hello.how did u broke ur unicorn v-fin?
im planning to get it long time ago,but bcoz this v-fin,i so scare to get it until now.=.='..also so scare to paint it..i think will just use stiker on that if got it someday..
ami: the joint for the V-fin is too stiff.. i mean that joint at the centre of the V-fin.. when i play with it and it just break.. solution is when you assemble it.. make sure it assemble the v-fin at the right angle at around 170 degree so you don't have to open the V-fin after assemble it..
i have always saw ur many works since last year. u did many great jobs on all ur gundam. impressive.
may i ask u some questions??
-do u use airbruah and lacquer paint for ur customization? cuz they look so cool, but sometime i thought u use spray cans and some masking.
-wat kind of lining pen u recommended most?
-like on ur MG sinanju, a waxy surface on the parts, is tat top coat. If so, can recommend me use which kind of top coat?
i wanna learn most about customization, and i gonna start my work on my HG sazabi after exam. i hope tat i can make one like urs.
-do u use airbruah and lacquer paint for ur customization? cuz they look so cool, but sometime i thought u use spray cans and some masking.
i use to use can spray at first before i start using airbrush but it is too costly so i switch to airbrush now and yup.. i'm using lacquer paint for Mr.color for most of my job.. masking is depend on which kit to do but it still need even using airbrush..
-wat kind of lining pen u recommended most?
i'm usually use gundam marker 0.5.. recently i found mitsubishi pen that come in 0.2.. not sure what is the material but it works great..
-like on ur MG sinanju, a waxy surface on the parts, is tat top coat. If so, can recommend me use which kind of top coat?
i wanna learn most about customization, and i gonna start my work on my HG sazabi after exam. i hope tat i can make one like urs.
actually the MG Sinanju i made was a straightbuild kit without top coat.. maybe the contrast of the photo make it look like being top coat.. as for top coat.. can spray type will be the Mr.hobby type or if for airbrush then you have to look for the small bottle mr.color type which require to mix with thinner.. actually i'm learning about customization.. you can refer more from this site..
http://dc23-mecharts.blogspot.com/ ..
he always my inspiration and a good public tutor to share all his skill..
anyway.. nice to meet you and sorry for the late reply..
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