i don't like to shop around when i got empty pocket or wallet.. just don't want people said i'm "wan kat" (mean ask for fun and not buying) because i am a promoter who sell things.. i know we have to seek more information before buying things but i'm just like to seek the information by myself like get it from internet, magazines, or maybe friends.. i will only bother the sales man when i'm really need their help and i'm really like to buy something from them.. but sometimes price really influence me a lot.. guess it affect all people right.. haha..
before i went to shop.. this is what i did.. play bowling.. so fun but hurt my wrist while trying to get some nice shots.. but have some improvement as compare last time i play at Mid Valley.. but not sure maybe Times Square bowling lane is easier or i'm just lucky.. haha..
that guy in pink color shirt.. name called Hung.. my colleague.. my score just can't keep up with him at all.. gotta do more training..
saw that colorful shoes?.. i feel it really looks like those shoes in "streeting style".. but it actually a pair of bowling shoes.. haha..
went 7th floor while trying to look more supply and guess what.. finally.. i found MG Zeta Plus A1 at Time Machine.. will make a post about that later..
pass by XL-Shop at 7th floor?.. yup XL-Shop at Times Square had move from 4th floor to 7th floor.. and saw a lot of cool stuff here.. took some pictures..
Batman figure collection.. look at that bike.. and joker face.. OMG.. the detail is totally awesome..
my favourite.. Ironman.. i guess that mark 3 is the one that i saw in DannyChoo.com right..
you gotta look at the face of Samuel L Jackson.. IT SO REAL!!! but sorry about my blur picture..
just discover this shop at 7th floor.. another strange thing.. this shop called "dctoys0901.com" and it open from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. only??? the owner must be very rich.. just my opinion.. but the price of that shop not that competitive.. who know? maybe got discount right.. took some picture on the box display at this shop..
i was wondering what type or grade of that VF-25 Messiah Valkyrie Alto's unit.. with that size of box.. i don't think it is from DX-Chogokin but the price was Rm6++ which have price of DX-Chogokin series.. mm..
remember the post i mentioned about the silver chrome paint here.. this is the picture..
thats all for today..
It's interesting to see what are available over your area. Lots of large scale action figures there, which are usually really expensive, or so it was said from the forums.
Q: the detail was very impressive.. the price was cost about RM 600 to RM 800 here.. and some of it was actually made from Hong Kong.. my friend told me..
Where did you get the silver paint? pls tell me!
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