alright.. here we go.. another huge online hobby shop that selling various of toys from U.S .. gunpla, figure, transformer, games, anime and manga.. and it called.. THE BIGBADTOYSTORE .. big bad toys for big boys.. hahaha..
mm.. just want to share my opinion on collecting toys or model kit in this post..
i guess most of us has been being criticized that you aren't a kid.. you are a teenager or working adult which should have other interest like computer games, sports, clubbing, photography, fishing or others instead of collecting toys which kid normally do.. think of it.. when we are child.. we do owned toys but mostly bought by parents and our choice was very limited as it was not our money to buy the toys or.. model kit that we wish to have that time..
today.. we earn money ourselves.. we use our money to buy whatever toys we want.. time to make our dream come true.. yet some of our friend may feel weird of what we are doing and why we were so into it.. and they said we are wasting our money?. never mind.. think of it.. what will you do when all your friend is not around and you got nothing to do.. at least i'm still have my hobby.. haha..
everyone is collecting different thing.. stem, antique, pen, and watch.. big boy big toys.. so .. why not the real toys?.. toys or model kit do have future value too.. so.. those who said you are wasting your money, weird, or childish.. just ignore it.. some of my friend who use to say that to me is being influence by me into gunpla too .. haha.. so
big boy.. big toys..
before i end this post.. have to thank someone..
Chrismandesign who inspired me in writing.. that toy collector is not weird or cavemen.. we do have normal life..
Just my opinion..
totally in agreement with u & u r welcome LOL
i don't care what others say as long as i do my work be a good individual live by my religious beliefs. And i dont see anything wrong collecting toys because i have a hobby and it can MAKE ME HAPPY=)and avoid doing bad things... Gundam is not a toy! it is PASSION of THE BIG BOYS=)
fairuzaliayen: yeah.. having a hobby for gunpla better than doing bad things when we have nothing to do.. PASSION of THE BIG BOYS.. i love it..
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